Various types of summer camps happen all around Southeast Georgia and the Lowcountry during the break from school, but one group of campers on Tuesday had a truly unique experience.
It’s not a typical day at summer camp for these 12- to 14-year-olds. The City of Savannah’s Moses Jackson Advancement Center’s STEM Summer Camp participants are getting an up-close look at the robotic machines used at Memorial Health to help treat patients. The doctors say getting these kids involved is extremely important.
“They’re definitely our future, and they need to see where we are, and their young minds can help us learn to figure out where we can go and what we can achieve,”
said Dr. Jason McClune, an interventional pulmonologist at Memorial Health.
“So seeing what they can do now and what technology’s out there. You know, one of those minds might be able to take us to the next level.”And the campers were impressed with that latest technology.“It was really good,”
said Christian McBride.
“I didn’t know a lot about robotics. I mean, I knew about robotics, but I didn’t know that it was used to go inside of people. I thought you just cut them open and get in there.”
McClune was also impressed by how quickly the children learned to control the robot.
“They pick it up very quickly, and it sometimes is embarrassing,”
said McClune.
“I mean, they get to play video games at home, and they pick this up like it’s second nature. Yeah, because I was playing this one game,”
said McBride.
“It was like it was like I was in the hospital, I was working on a patient and it was like kind of felt similar to what I was doing in there.”
A group of 15 campers participated in Tuesday’s field trip, marking the first time Memorial Health has organized this event.
Credit: Original article published here.